Welcome to Siena Catholic Primary School Lucas

About Us

Our Vision

"With Jesus in our heart,
and in the spirit of St Catherine of Siena,
we aspire to be a community of love and
courage where learning and harmony flourish"

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Welcome to Siena Catholic Primary School Lucas

2026 Foundation Enrolments

School Alive Tour Bookings are Now Open & will be held in Term 1 2025, for 2026 Foundation Enrolments:

Friday 14 February 2025: 9.30am & 12.30pm

Friday 21 February 2025: 9.30am & 12.30pm

Friday 28 February 2025: 9.30am & 12.30pm

Thursday 13 March 2025: 9.30am & 2.30pm

Tuesday 25 March 2025: 9.30am & 2.30pm

Click here to book now, or click the Enrolment tab, then Book a Tour. Places are limited.

Applications for Expressions of Interest for Foundation 2026 Enrolments will open on Monday, 10th February 2025.

Check this homepage after 9am on 10th February 2025 for details on how to submit your Expression of Interest.

Enrolment Enquiries: Foundation to Year 6

Please note, enrolments for Foundation 2025 have now closed and all places have been filled.

For enrolment enquiries from Foundation to Year 6, please click here to complete our enrolment enquiry form for our consideration.

We recommend that you click here to Book a Tour of our school.

Please contact our office for further enquiries; P: 5334 3096; E: admin@slucas.catholic.edu.au.

Please note, for children looking to change schools, parents/carers are required to speak with their current school principal first to discuss your interest in your child moving schools before contacting us. 

Ensuring you have done this, you are welcome to complete an enrolment enquiry form for our consideration.

Acknowledgement of Country

Here is the land, here is the sky.
Here are my friends and here am I.
We thank the Wadawurrung people for the land on which we learn and play.
Hands out, look around.
We are on Wadawurrung ground.